You know that there’s tons of fun to be had by stimulating the genitals, right? Whether you’re doing it alone, with a partner, or even multiple partners.
What’s also true, is that there are multiple erogenous zones in the body that can enhance pleasure, or even bring about more pleasure than what you’re used to.
Having said that, perhaps you’ve never really thought of anal play as a form of utter bliss. Or maybe you have! Either way, we’re here to introduce you to the feeling of euphoria associated with rimming, aka analingus.
Let’s Delve Into the Pleasurable World of Anal Oral Sex
For starters, why would someone even consider analingus? Well, the anal region is rife with nerve endings.
Nerve endings are points that send messages to the brain, such as pleasure. And so, the more nerve endings that are stimulated when it comes sexual acts, the more pleasure is possible.
But that’s not the only reason why analingus is such a treat. You see, the vagina, penis, and the anus are all connected to the pelvic floor. And when one enjoys rimming, all of those erogenous zones will contract in unison, sending shivers down your spine and all kinds of happy orgasms.
Before we get ahead of ourselves however, let’s start with the basics…

What is rimming?
Rimming aka analingus is the act of orally pleasuring the anus.
It can include licking, sucking, kissing, or any other pleasurable act that involves oral-to-anal contact. Rimming, as we’ve mentioned, is also known as analingus, but some also call it ass licking, eating ass, or a rim job.
Before you engage in rimming, you could use an enema, which flushes and releases water to prompt a bowel movement. This may make the receiver feel more confident.
And as we mentioned before, partaking in rimming is not in vain. It’s a way in which to feel new kinds of sexual satisfaction, which is the quintessential of sexuality and being alive!
Who can do it?
The next question you may have is who can do ass eating? Or, who can eat ass. What a wonderful question to which the answer is quite beautiful: everyone! Everyone has an ass, right? So everyone can enjoy the benefits of receiving or giving analingus.
Of course, and unfortunately, there’s still a stigma attached to anything anal-related, because people believe it is tied to being homosexual.
Fact: rimming is not an exclusively “gay” activity, and doing or receiving it has nothing to do with one’s gender or sexual orientation.
Imagine denying yourself absolute sexual pleasure simply because of an outdated belief? Tragic. We say, if you love the idea of experimenting, then you should definitely give rimming a go.
On the other hand, rimming, or being rimmed, in no way means that you’re consenting to anal sex or anal penetration. This is a completely different sexual act, and you don’t have to engage in it if it’s something you’re uncomfortable with.

Safety concerns of rimming and how to stay safe
You’ve continued to read on, yay you! We’re glad you’re intrigued about analingus and perhaps thinking about doing it.
Naturally however, one would probably like to know: is analingus safe? For the most part, yes, it’s safe.
But, just like any other sex act, there are heath risks involved:
- Bacteria: digestive bacteria passes through the anus, so if someone were to ingest them, it could lead to being sick. For that reason, cleanliness is of utmost importance.
- Spreading bacteria: if you’re rimming someone with a vagina, you should avoid going from the vagina to the anus (and vice versa). Anal bacteria doesn’t belong near the vagina, and it can cause vaginal infections, which is no walk in the park.
- STIs: it is possible to transmit sexually transmitted infections via rimming, such as herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, syphilis, and hepatitis A and B. You can prevent this by wearing a dental dam (a thin, flexible piece of latex that protects against direct mouth-to-genital or mouth-to-anus contact during oral sex) during your rimming adventure.
Bringing rimming up with your partner
While we’ve briefly brought up the topic of consent, there needs to be unwavering consent when it comes to doing any sexual act, including rimming.
With that, rimming isn’t for everyone. Some may find it strange, unappealing, or may even hold onto old beliefs concerning analingus. Not just that, but there’s also the taboo factor for some that may either make them intrigued about ass eating or not intrigued at all.
The first thing to do is to have an open and honest discussion with your partner. This should be done in a judgement-free space where both parties feel free and confident enough to share their ideas. Remember, sex can be a difficult topic to discuss so keep patience and understanding in mind. Read our blog article about sex communication here.
If it is you that’s bringing up the topic of rimming, listen to your partner’s concerns. Try not to be angry or dismissive if they’re not wanting to try it because there are surely things that perhaps you don’t want to do in the bedroom too. People are complex, with different sexual fantasies, beliefs, and conceptions.
If it’s your partner that’s bringing up the act of rimming, the same rules can apply. Be understanding of them, without judgement, and give them the space to feel safe enough to discuss this with you. If you feel that rimming isn’t for you, that’s completely fine. But letting them know that you’re not interested in a kind and caring way is the best way to go about the situation.
Then, of course, if you’re both on-board, there are so many amazing sensations awaiting both of you! How exciting!

Health reasons to avoid rimming
If you’ve spoken to your partner and you’re both intrigued to try rimming, fun! You can then go forth and try analingus. Try to remove any expectations, go slow, and see how you like it. It may be the best idea you’ve both ever had!
At the same time, there are some health reasons to avoid rimming.
For example, if the one receiving analingus is experiencing any of the follow, it’s best to wait until they’re better:
- Gas
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Any kind of anal bleeding
- Open sores, such as haemorrhoids
- Digestive infections
Sure, these health conditions aren’t exactly easy to talk about. If you’re the one experiencing them, you don’t need to disclose this to your partner. You could simply say that you’re not in the mood right now, and that you’re willing to give it a go when you’re feeling a bit more sexual.
Should you be hairless or groomed?
Honestly, everyone has hair between their butt cheeks. This is normal. Some may have thicker hair, others may have fine hair that’s hardly noticeable.
Either way, there is no reason why you have to be hairless or groomed, unless that is something that your partner, the one rimming you, desires. This is something that you two can discuss together.
If you do decide to wax or shave however, you’ll be able to feel more of the sexy sensations, and you won’t have to worry about toilet paper being stuck ‘down there’.
Just take note of how you feel after waxing or shaving, as you could have ingrown hairs or even run the risk of getting a skin infection. Also, remember to keep the area clean.

What are the best positions for rimming?
The best position for rimming is the one in which both partners feel their best. Of course, the one doing the rimming needs to have good access to the area, and feel comfortable at the same time.
Arguably, the best position for rimming is doggy style, when the one receiving is on all fours. The one doing the rimming could then kneel behind their partner, and use their hands to guide their partner’s butt in such a way that it’s at the best angle for them, and use their hands to keep their partner’s butt cheeks open.
You could also have your partner bend over a desk, chair or bed, or have them lie on their back and bring their knees to their chest. In this way, the giver will have easier access.
Are toys or lube required for rimming?
The anus isn’t like the vagina, so it doesn’t produce natural lubrication. Thus, whenever you’re doing anything anal related, it’s always a good idea to use lube.
For rimming, go for a lube that’s edible, perhaps one with a delicious taste. This will allow the tongue to glide effortlessly. Adversely, you don’t have to use lube if it’s just rimming you’re doing.
In terms of sex toys… sure! You could grab a vibrator, such as a wand massager or vibrating anal beads for easier access, to entice the area surrounding the anus, or you could use it on other erogenous zones to make the receiver feel more comfortable, such as the nipples, balls, perineum etc.
You can also have a go at rimming anal plugs such as bVibe Petite Rimming Butt Plug or the Nexus B STROKER Unisex Massager With Unique Rimming Beads.
For any kind of anal penetration however, lube is a necessity, no ifs or buts. Whether you’re penetrating a partner with a penis or with a sex toy, you simply must have a generous amount of lube on-hand to ease any discomfort that may arise. In essence, lube makes everything better!
Our final thoughts? Rimming is a pleasure that’s on offer for everyone. And that’s the most erotic thing about it.
Exploring new parts of the body in search of extra bursts of lust is a tremendous thing, and we encourage you to give into your desires, consensually, to find new ways of achieving out-of-this-world sexual pleasure.
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