The Art Of Sexual Massage

The Art Of Sexual Massage

Is there a better feeling than being touched? Hands gently caressing your skin, pressing into your muscles, melting away tension and sending chills up your spine all at the same time. Massage can be even more sensual when you incorporate sexual techniques such as clitoral and prostate stimulation, and we’ve got your guide to just that.


Body Massage
The classic massage can incorporate elements of relaxation, intimacy, and an overall sense of well-being. Using a pleasantly scented oil or lubricant will allow your hands to glide over the skin and provide smooth, pleasurable relaxation. Gently dig your hands into the back using the side or palm of your hand to soothe the larger muscles, following the natural path of the muscles. Change up your technique by mixing firm pressure with gentle fingertips, just barely tickling the skin, and end the massage with broad strokes, easing up on the pressure and running the hands over the whole of the back.


Clitoral Massage
Clitoral pleasure is ideal both for foreplay as well as anyone who may not be ready for vaginal intercourse. Warm up the area by applying lube and stroking the vulva area around the clitoris, before taking one, two, or three fingers to begin applying light pressure. Work in circular motions to move the clitoris around with your fingers rather than against. Since the clit isn’t always prominent, be sure to communicate and allow your partner to guide you.


Prostate Massage
When he’s relaxed (use some body massage or foreplay), slowly slip a well-lubricated finger inside him. Using a gentle in-and-out motion will help relax him into deeper penetration and make it easier to slip a second finger inside him when it’s time. Explore, using your fingertips to locate that walnut-sized gland just behind his penis.

Start stroking the prostate very gently, using light pressure to stroke back and forth over the surface. It’s best to use a light touch at first, as the prostate is incredibly sensitive, and as it swells with arousal, you’ll be able to increase pressure and deepen his excitement.
Want to go hands-free? Check out our anal stimulators, specially made for his P-spot pleasure.
Enhance Your Massage With JOUJOU’s selection of massagers, or explore our selection of massage oils and candles with loads of flavour and temperature play options to keep things sensual and exciting

Article by Charlotte at JOUJOU

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